
There are loads of sites for people who aspire to be rich, who are obsessed with personal finance, or who have substantial assets they are seeking to better manage.

This site is not for them.

We are awash in sites with free data of various sorts: market and stock analysis, technical advice, and complicated investment strategies.

This site won’t cover any of that crap. We have stuff to do.

The Pinko’s Guide was born out of a series of questions and conversations about money and how it works–not for the rich, but for the rest of us. The 99%. The workers, dreamers, artists, cooks, temps, admins, non-profiteers, no-profiteers, and underemployed. For the disaffected Gen X slackers, the massively networked Millennials, and the probably screwed Generation Z (But not the Boomers. Seriously. Not everything is about you. Let it go.).

In other words, this site is for:

  • the people whose family never talked about money,
  • who aren’t sure how their retirement plan works (or who don’t have one),
  • who have a little bit of money (Or none. Or, though it is pretty damn unlikely, a lot.), and
  • who want to get a handle on their finances without making it a damn job.

The author of The Guide is Comrade B, posting from Pinko HQ, an underground bunker buried deep beneath our Nation’s Kapital. Comrade B is is a Gen X-era Groucho Marxist. He has worked as a lawyer, a teacher, a writer, and at so many part-time gigs he has lost count. Despite having made no appreciable money at any of his jobs, he has managed to craft a happy and rewarding wife with his wife, Comrade C, and their beloved Red Diaper Baby. He believes that having a life is better than having a career, that chasing wealth or status is a sucker bet, and that he can help you live a good life even when things are hard.

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